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Foyil Public Schools Safe Return and Continuity of Services Plan

URL address: Foyil.k12.ok.us  June 21, 2021

Foyil Public Schools

2021-22 Safe Return Plan

This plan is subject to change at any time due updated guidance/mandates from local, state, or federal officials.


Our goal at Foyil Public Schools is to provide the safest environment for our students and staff, while providing a traditional classroom setting.  Our hope is to remain in school for as many traditional days as possible during the upcoming school year, and only move to distance learning if deemed necessary and/or recommended by state or local officials.  

The guidelines referenced in this plan are based on the latest guidance from local, state, and federal agencies as well as current statutes.   

 As we go through this fluid situation, we are very appreciative of your patience and support.



Staff members are responsible for self-screening for COVID-19 symptoms before reporting for work each day.

Parents/guardians are expected to screen their student(s) for COVID-19 symptoms before sending them to school.

All STUDENTS & STAFF are asked to self-screen for fever and symptoms prior to coming to school each day.  If the student has any symptoms, they should be kept home.
A variety of symptoms have been reported with COVID-19, from mild to severe.  Symptoms may appear between 2-14 days of exposure.  Parents should monitor their student(s) for one or more the following symptoms related to COVID-19:

Fever                                                                         Shortness of breath

                                                                  Chills                                                                         Headache

                                                                  Loss of smell or taste                                             Sore Throat

   Nausea or vomiting                                                Muscle or body aches

          Diarrhea                                                                   Congestion or runny nose

Students should not arrive before 7:45 am.  Students will report directly to their homeroom at the elementary and to their 1st hour class at the high school.  Before and after care will continue to be an option for those that need to utilize it.

Temperatures may be checked upon arrival at school, any person exhibiting a temperature of 100.4° or higher or having any other symptoms listed by the CDC will be isolated while a parent or guardian is contacted to pick up the student as quickly as possible.

We will continue to limit outside visitors.  If a visitor comes on campus, THEY MUST contact the office prior to entering the buildings.

All OUTSIDE SERVICE WORKERS such as therapy and counseling will be screened upon entering the school.


Breakfast will be grab and go for the JH/HS and will be eaten in the classroom or 1st hour class.  Elementary breakfast will be delivered to the classrooms.

JH/HS will be eating in the cafeteria with social distancing.  Tables will be disinfected and cleaned between meal groups.

Elementary students will be eating in a variety of locations to ensure social distancing.

No outside food or drinks will be allowed during meal service, WITH THE EXCEPTION of packed lunches from home.  Microwave ovens will not be available.

School water fountains will not be utilized at this time. Students need to bring a water bottle from home labeled with their name if possible.



  • This is an area of concern for the lack of social distancing.  When possible, alternative transportation is highly recommended to and from school.   
  • Seating charts based on family and socially distancing will be utilized as much as possible.
  • Windows will be open to maximize airflow on the bus unless weather dictates otherwise.
  • Masks will be recommended for all RIDERS.
  • Buses will be sanitized and disinfected after each route and activity trip.
  • Bus transportation will continue unless we are advised it must stop. 



Student lockers may not be utilized this year. All supplies will be transported via backpack.   Textbooks will be limited as much as possible.

Seating charts (utilizing social distancing guidelines) will be used when feasible.

Teachers will have access to sanitation materials and will wipe down all surfaces and classroom manipulatives as needed. High school teachers will wipe down desks and door handles after each class.

No class-wide snacks will be distributed at school. The school will provide snacks for Pre K—2nd grade students, which will be eaten in the classroom or outside. 



Elementary students will have outdoor playtime in accordance with clearly defined schedules limiting the number of students on the playground at one time.

 Sanitation stations will be placed at the playground entrance upon re-entry into the building.

Outdoor PE for all students will be utilized as much as possible. Inside, social distancing will be practiced as much as possible. Limited numbers of students will be allowed at one time.

In band, social distancing rules will be in place.  The band room will be sanitized between entrance of each class. 



Foyil Public Schools believe that extra and co-curricular activities are vital to our school and students. As a result, activities such as Band, FFA, FCCLA, Athletics, and Academic Team will take place with attention placed on prevention of the spread of COVID-19 and the protection of our students.  Please understand cancellations and rescheduling of events are highly probable.

Athletics will follow OSSAA recommendations and utilize social distancing as much as possible. All locker rooms will be sanitized and disinfected daily. The nature of contact sports requires students to be in close proximity. We may utilize screening procedures on all students before participation in events depending on CDC and OSSAA recommendations for the sports.

Elementary parties and assemblies will be delayed at this time.




Masks or face coverings will be recommended for all STUDENTS & STAFF in the public spaces of our school where sufficient social distancing cannot be obtained (i.e. hallways, bathrooms, offices, cafeteria, & gymnasium.  Should the governor declare a state of emergency at any time masks could be required.

Foyil Schools will utilize updates from the CDC and other government agencies to guide our future adjustments and decisions.





Students will be enrolled as traditional students unless the school is notified prior to the start of school. Parents will need to contact the building principals to discuss options for the possibility of enrollment as a virtual student for the 2021-22 school year. 

Mr. Jordan for grades PK – 6


or (918) 342-3310

Mr. Williams for grades 7 – 12


or (918) 342-1782

Flexibility and patience will be required of all students, staff and parents as we navigate through another year of Covid.  The school will work diligently to notify parents, staff, and students of any changing policies throughout the year.  Please contact the school with any questions you have regarding any of the procedures we have in place, and remember to check the school website or Foyil App often for updates.

Foyil Schools will utilize updates from the CDC and other government agencies to guide our future adjustments and decisions.